Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Sunday, 4th June

Went to London yesterday so Ricky could spend a day at the Circus School. He is hoping to audition for a place to study a BA next year. We are staying the night with Marcus's brother and his family. Spent yesterday afternoon in their garden. It is sunny. Abigail rode her bike on her own for the first time, so that was good to witness and Ben, who is only eighteen months old just keeps on smiling.

Went to the War Museum this morning and spent a moving hour or so in the 'Children's War' exhibition. I have a yen to write a novel in this period - yes I know - so many have.

Took Ricky to the Circus Space. He was very good - the best on the trapeze, which for saying it was the first time he had been up on one. . . He said it hurt his calves!

Journey home was the journey from hell. Don't ask, it would take a huge blog to record it. Suffice to say we booked a train and ended up on a bus with broken headlights, that thought it was a train; A driver that said he did not like to be talked to when driving but talked non-stop; a radio full of static and an aversion, on the bus's part, to acknowledge second gear!


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