Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Nenthead Mines

Thursday, 4th August

Did lots of driving today - for me. Had to go to Penrith to take our plastic bottles for recyling (nowhere else in Cumbria - really)! I bought some shears to do the garden with also. Then off to Penrith for some other stuff and then to the supermarket on the outskirts of Penrith (for other stuff we can't get where we live) and finally off to Lynne's at Melmerby. She drove us to Nenthead where we spent an hour wading through freezing cold ankle-deep water exploring an old mine. Lynne kept putting her torch up to her face and making spooky noises; the effect spoilt by her then giggling of course. She had brought two dogs: one hers and the other a friend's, who I have taken on a walk before. Lynne's dog is not very well behaved and as we walked around the water wheel on the site, I couldn't help but smile as my lurcher trotted placidly at my side on a loose lead whilst at the side of me Lynne was playing tug-of-war with hers. The tables turned however when we decided to let them loose in the woodland walk and mine wandered off for about ten minutes whilst we made ourselves hoarse calling for her.


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