Friday, July 28, 2006


Friday, 21st July

Donned pinnie first-thing this morning and have been cooking most of the day. Marcus and Axel spent the day in the kitchen discussing, Kabbalah, initiation and other spiritual things whilst I hovered behind waving wooden spoons and dishes.

I have made: flapjacks, a Victoria fresh-sponge, a vodka-jelly cat and Tiramisu.

Later on Ricky came downstairs to inform us that there was a small bat hanging off a wall-hanging in his room. Apparantly Jess was the first to notice it when she caught something moving in the corner of her eye. It stretched out its little wings. Towards evening it began to crawl out of Ricky's room into the hallway so Ricky ran after it and it crawled all the way up his legs and onto his shoulder. He then caught it in his hands and let it fly out of his window. Ahhh - isn't that just wonderful. Now he's missing it and wants it to come and visit again.


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