Thursday, March 01, 2007

My Birthday

Tuesday, 6th February

My birthday is actually 28th January but Marcus was away so nothing happened. Today was supposed to be the day that Marcus started helping with the horses at the Trust stables but apparently a group cancelled so Henri suggested that we all had a ride out.

Last time I tried this I was quite scared. This surprised me because I had ridden before (many years ago and was O.K. as far as I can recall). I asked if I could be just led down the road instead and Henri offered to take me. This was really good of her I thought because she was missing out on a ride herself. I told her exactly what Iwas scared of and she told me how to deal with it. It was particularly funny when we came out of the stables (there is a steep hill down) because Marcus was behind me and all he could hear was Henri saying: "Now just take a deep breath Brina, relax and, open your eyes Brina, open your eyes."

By the time we returned I was no longer holding onto the saddle for dear life but sitting erect with head held high holding onto the reins properly. I was so chuffed with myself for getting back on when I was scared and really, really enjoying it. Can't wait till next time.

Afterwards we went for a meal in town at Maysons, which was good as always. And I came home feeling like I'd really had my birthday.


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