Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Saturday, 25th June

Another walk to Watendlath in brilliant sunshine. Marcus is still feeling poorly so we need long flat walks - the tea shop at the end is also a good incentive! This time we did not get mauraded by the yob geese as they had had goslings and were busy looking after them.

We took books, to sit in the sun. Over the past couple of years I have made it a point to endeavour to read some old classic literature amongst my preferred contemporary stuff so today I was reading Hesse - The Glass Bead Game, which has taken me an age to read because, to be frank, I am not much keen. I adored Siddhartha, which I read many years ago but this one really isn't doing it for me. Anyhow, no longer in competition with the geese, the ducks have come into their own. They are much more polite of course but very tame, taking food straight from your fingers. The female mallard, unlike myself, seemed quite interested in the book.


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