Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Migraine - day 2

Friday, 23rd September

Have migraine for second day and am feeling thoroughly pissed-off. Did shopping in the morning and met Ricky's initial dance teacher in the bank. She had some good news for me, I hugged her whilst meanwhile the two cashiers were trying to sort out our money. We have said we might meet for lunch sometime soon to catch up.

Got back to supermarket, found a trolley, released it with pound coin, placed shopping list, carefully prepared last night (still with migraine) in wee holder on top of trolley and before I could get inside a great gust of wind blew the thing clear into thin air! I am thinking, this is probably the one and only time I'll really need a shopping list this year: am due for period and have terrible headache - how am I to remember anything in this state? Found note stuck to tarmac in car-park on way out!

Achieved shopping however and did not forget anything that was on list. Forgot something that was not on list but that hardly counts I think. Snuggled up in front of fire with cat and book.